Klas Mårtenson
Headhunter – Headhunting
Klas Mårtenson was previously (ended March 2021) VP EMEA and APAC Regions & Board Member Signium Global. Today Klas has joined Additude AB in April 2021.
Joined the Executive Search Industry in 1998. Prior to his work within Signium, Klas spent several years with in different managerial positions as a Group controller, Financial Manager, BA Manager, CEO (Subsidiary), VP Group.
Klas also sits on the AESC´s (Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants) Council for Europe & Africa.
Klas is a generalist with major in consumer, industrial, medtech and service companies in various sectors from middle-sized companies to large international groups of companies.
Klas holds a Bachelor degree in Economics and Computer science from Stockholm School of Economics and University of Lund.